Creative Director - VFX Studio
I actually had 2 first periods, the first was the day before my holiday when I went to the toilet and saw red in the toilet bowl. Devastated I shouted to my mum, thinking this would mean I couldn’t swim or enjoy my holiday! Mum was a bit confused by what she saw and upon talking to my Dad, it turned out that either he had also started his period,,,, or it was the beetroot we had all eaten the night before! Non the less, it’s stuck with me!
My actual first period came when I must have been about 13 or so. I had no apparent symptoms so I was pretty surprised and scared to go to the toilet and find blood in my knickers. I was at a childminders house and I didn’t want to tell anyone so I wrapped my underwear with loo roll and hoped it would last me until my Mum picked me up. I came out of the bathroom and must have snapped at one of my Childminders son’s because I remember him say ‘What’s wrong with you? You on your period or something?’
I was mortified, thinking how on earth he could have known!
When I got home I told my Mum who talked through everything with me and that was that! She will have told my Dad, I don't think it's something I would have approached him with, but he's always been the one to buy my towels and tampons so I know he's relatively comfortable with the whole thing.
I wasn’t afraid to tell my friends as I knew a couple of them had already started, but I do remember one of my friends being really nervous about telling us. I remember her saying ‘I hope you won’t think differently of me….’ When she told us she’d started her period I thought.. Is that all? It didn’t phase me at all, if anything I am a bit hurt she thought I would ever think less of her for anything!
I’ve always had heavy periods with painful cramps and some PMS, but the main symptom I found hard to manage was the constipation I got each month. For this reason I’m now on the Progesterone only pill so I don’t have any periods at all. I’m not thrilled about messing with my hormones, but I feel better for it so, for me, it’s a solution.